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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#9601 Phineasking12 12
#9602 halohalo 12
#9603 Palecat5 12
#9604 SunPhoenix1204 12
#9605 LoveYourself 12
#9606 powder101 12
#9607 KismetWanderer 12
#9608 Kilinchitsuru 12
#9609 aimannabil 12
#9610 chloe0546 12
#9611 Makina 12
#9612 Rollingwind1 12
#9613 nogarus 12
#9614 ollyozzy123 12
#9615 Finley 12
#9616 ruerue233 12
#9617 Risha 12
#9618 spenzer 12
#9619 PetMaster8 12
#9620 domer8007 12
#9621 AKapella 12
#9622 Buzzit 12
#9623 georgiaa555 12
#9624 LanyaKnoll 12
#9625 kentuckygirl1 12