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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#9851 KyoryokunaKitsune 12
#9852 livelovelaugh1416 12
#9853 shadowstormcat 12
#9854 beautyflower2003 12
#9855 Idunno11 12
#9857 GulaSmula 12
#9858 Popcorndog1414 12
#9859 BbyRogue 12
#9860 exiphia 12
#9861 NinjaGotchi 12
#9862 lindenhelen 12
#9863 capricornsunshine 12
#9864 Cardinal36 12
#9865 Valkyrie0880 12
#9866 DearDeer 12
#9867 Makaiaa 12
#9868 RedPanda500 12
#9869 tlj89 12
#9870 Voltaire33 12
#9871 InsanityIsLife 12
#9872 moocheval 12
#9873 Blazel 12
#9874 Decker17 12
#9875 ptolemycluster 12