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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#10551 Goddessofkaos 10
#10552 kittycat44a 10
#10553 Lido 10
#10554 dargowolf94 10
#10555 kroedl33 10
#10556 Zuzumotai 10
#10557 boiledegg 10
#10558 KaitenGiri 10
#10559 CVizzle 10
#10560 N3v3rHop3 10
#10561 o_Q 10
#10562 StumpyPumpkin 10
#10563 k4thenan 10
#10564 KeksiiCZ 10
#10565 Narwhalpotatox3 10
#10566 mh1579 10
#10567 darknesstouch 10
#10568 Theanonymouswhisperer 10
#10569 imageryfriend 10
#10570 tai573 10
#10571 zomandi 10
#10572 FuzzyKittens 10
#10573 BeMagical 10
#10574 fawlshan 10
#10575 RubyShine 10