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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#10676 LilithValentine 10
#10677 Rainkit 10
#10678 dixiepony 10
#10679 shelby5123 10
#10680 ktav13 10
#10681 CarameloDreams 10
#10682 diamond1529 10
#10683 mariannn 10
#10684 moonlightqueenheart 10
#10685 GraphiteHelix 10
#10686 kimthebest1 10
#10687 PharaohHound 10
#10688 Loftly 10
#10689 Mewffie 10
#10690 naw4naw 10
#10691 OUATfreak 10
#10692 Rocky158 10
#10693 GabrielleXxx 10
#10694 funnybunnylo 10
#10695 InsaneAlois 10
#10696 shadow9lives 10
#10697 Thecollecter45 10
#10698 miranda36909 10
#10699 SweetStars 10
#10700 tequila100 10