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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#10801 eve50 10
#10802 bdwjx2012 10
#10803 loafisme 10
#10804 Trot 10
#10805 yamikotzuzo 10
#10806 DarkDream 10
#10807 jessica59 10
#10808 Bubzarina 10
#10809 BrokenRobin 10
#10810 patches418 10
#10811 iFoxspirit 10
#10812 Sundance 10
#10813 thejoker 10
#10814 xXIsaacXx 10
#10815 CherryOnTheTop 10
#10816 Fortunna04 10
#10817 jordanbri 10
#10818 Undreamtspoon 10
#10819 mnbv 10
#10820 iceyblue101 10
#10821 KyraLunar 10
#10822 MissytheKlee 10
#10823 Iluvia 10
#10824 puppyeyes 10
#10825 CaptainMorgan98 10