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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#1076 RoseTinari 130
#1077 polisis 130
#1078 Ataoko 130
#1079 JordynSeesStars 130
#1080 Zombone 130
#1081 Blueflamedrose 130
#1082 Thejacobshow 130
#1083 dragonclaw23 129
#1084 Eternal 129
#1085 Moss 129
#1086 kerise 129
#1087 pinkystry 129
#1088 monet08 129
#1089 Booshine 129
#1090 Verlwulfe 129
#1091 SilentSummer57 129
#1092 Rabbah 129
#1093 Ritsu 129
#1094 Lunarangel123 129
#1095 HumanAfterAll 129
#1096 FreyasArrow 129
#1097 Ravenhoe 129
#1098 Bai 129
#1099 Kryptica 129
#1100 AngelKiss 128