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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11026 HazardousZero 10
#11027 starboykeith 10
#11028 OnyxPhoenix 10
#11029 OneSquid 10
#11030 raytoro 10
#11031 AshPaw 10
#11032 nintendogayboy 10
#11033 chocolatechipwookiee 10
#11034 GayTrey23 10
#11035 blackpaso 10
#11036 Sageofthesea 10
#11037 Pokeanna03 10
#11038 Kimper 10
#11039 Nixie808 10
#11040 yellowtingz 10
#11041 Grantell 10
#11042 ItchyWaterBuffalo 10
#11043 NTD319 10
#11044 Flooferino 10
#11045 ArcaneCanis 10
#11046 xXBrightenXx 10
#11047 PhantomJuice 10
#11048 kittncakes 10
#11049 Alj6616 10
#11050 mileshorse 10