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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11251 Bibo 9
#11252 Kerrigan 9
#11253 nightpredator 9
#11254 Ilike2read 9
#11255 therosebie 9
#11256 Aleferna 9
#11257 Moonstonemarauder 9
#11258 Hephaestion 9
#11259 Whatsername 9
#11260 Athena 9
#11261 MegaMewtwoY 9
#11262 Amelina 9
#11263 iriska 9
#11264 chocoballzz 9
#11265 awesomesauce145 9
#11266 giggleLee 9
#11267 Joshipoo 9
#11268 Bunny24Carrots 9
#11269 Tsuzera 9
#11270 kitsunePower 9
#11271 marino4ka 9
#11272 Stripeything1 9
#11273 wishes71 9
#11274 ilovezoos1234 9
#11275 cosman 9