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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11401 Unisuper 9
#11402 princesstia 9
#11403 Gaunt 9
#11404 ForgetmeNots 9
#11405 cannelle 9
#11406 ChloeLaz 9
#11407 candyhobo 9
#11408 Scandal4 9
#11409 IdaCilla 9
#11410 Lurch 9
#11411 ShikyoOkami 9
#11412 smosher 9
#11413 WhiteRose225 9
#11414 Raventail123 9
#11415 amberqwerty 9
#11416 Shetokia 9
#11417 jumpy56 9
#11418 Cashmere 9
#11419 kingchase12 9
#11420 candyninetailsqueen 9
#11421 shankris 9
#11422 rome1004 9
#11423 horselady2243 9
#11424 airoto 9
#11425 aayto1 9