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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11426 ribbit024 9
#11427 Tabitha221 9
#11428 glanbia 9
#11429 woofquacktweet 9
#11430 Amora 9
#11431 Flashdoll 9
#11432 cloudtell 9
#11433 angelwolf86 9
#11434 mystiquejo 9
#11435 Bambrii 9
#11436 Shadowslicer 9
#11437 wallflowers 9
#11438 Husky101 9
#11439 OrangeBananas1 9
#11440 richeil 9
#11441 Silverwulfe26 9
#11442 Naoabe66 9
#11443 meghanmillie 9
#11444 Kesia 9
#11445 Emerald5800 9
#11446 lynnylynnard 9
#11447 nowak77 9
#11448 HazelleAzure 9
#11449 cloudqueen255 9
#11450 SouffleGirl 9