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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11601 maciechase1998 9
#11602 DisturbedViolence 9
#11603 FallenEmpire 9
#11604 TheJollyRancher 9
#11605 christineu 9
#11606 kmieciux 9
#11607 HumanoidFigure 9
#11608 ombrechasseur 9
#11609 alexis88331 9
#11610 Lechet 9
#11611 Shade7 9
#11612 ontokki 9
#11613 KingWilliam 9
#11614 SaZuNo 9
#11615 TheMadHatter 9
#11616 Sullen 9
#11617 Spazz1226 9
#11618 Hippielife 9
#11619 CQCQA 9
#11620 RaptorBeauty 9
#11621 pixelys 9
#11622 JodieJoHa 9
#11623 Darumemay 9
#11624 Pixelcat744 9
#11625 kapnkrunch 9