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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11626 sweetchocoprince 9
#11627 ConaiGoBas 9
#11628 hazelwhisper 9
#11629 jrabs83 9
#11630 Linkario14 9
#11631 AstronautsRox 9
#11632 Ryuu3725 9
#11633 brittnicole2212 9
#11634 diamondhorse 9
#11635 LunarStorm3012 9
#11636 Kyndred 9
#11637 MongooseTeeth 9
#11638 Firetail32 9
#11639 pokemonix 9
#11640 HellHoundxx 9
#11641 clairebearno 9
#11642 Avampirate22 9
#11643 churchgrim 9
#11644 Kanade 9
#11645 cameythehunter 9
#11646 Burnstorm 9
#11647 Buggsy 9
#11648 SummerWinter 9
#11649 silverwolf2491 9
#11650 Trinitysrx 9