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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11826 azruka397 8
#11827 lingmon 8
#11828 xiggy100 8
#11829 Squalo 8
#11830 Alice1541 8
#11831 pamplemouse 8
#11832 56leon 8
#11833 Jolena 8
#11834 spartagirl582 8
#11835 gerychiakezumi 8
#11836 jac1007 8
#11837 BunnyFooFoo 8
#11838 PetsLover 8
#11839 umbrah 8
#11840 DrGrinch 8
#11841 bloom95 8
#11842 Mayflame15 8
#11843 deathstar123801 8
#11844 Taranaum 8
#11845 Leticia 8
#11846 Pickentot 8
#11847 Hatori 8
#11848 HuMou 8
#11849 GrumpyGriffin 8
#11850 jangofett 8