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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#11951 Coolez 8
#11952 Rei7 8
#11953 coconutburst96 8
#11954 Iris2015 8
#11955 Surefoot 8
#11956 Wiredrose 8
#11957 lunarasammy 8
#11958 FLAKA 8
#11959 ogee 8
#11960 blueharuka 8
#11961 afromort 8
#11962 Merve116 8
#11963 TigerPrincess00 8
#11964 AlphaGray3746 8
#11965 cutehorsebackgirl24 8
#11966 dragonvet 8
#11967 Pandemic 8
#11968 lapizlasuli 8
#11969 alexander35 8
#11970 BelieveInLove 8
#11971 wcatsrule 8
#11972 monkeybutt1992 8
#11973 unicorn8989 8
#11974 ithinkitslunacy 8
#11975 maraty1999 8