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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12001 joanietian 8
#12002 rootbeerisawesome 8
#12003 alucardx13 8
#12004 MrsJimmyUrine 8
#12005 greenfire15 8
#12006 Nefarious 8
#12007 puppy890po 8
#12008 soccergirl77 8
#12009 Capricco 8
#12010 moomoohvb 8
#12011 sweetpain 8
#12012 rainmist 8
#12013 chibimadara 8
#12014 erose0212 8
#12015 LemonMeringue 8
#12016 kitty264 8
#12017 MakaiNoKaji 8
#12018 hwaypotter09 8
#12019 Tigera 8
#12020 InfinityFushigiNe1 8
#12021 ChibiiCherry 8
#12022 midna0405 8
#12023 Tilldeath 8
#12024 cjone08 8
#12025 Incaly 8