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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12026 dribanlycan 8
#12027 RainbowCupcake 8
#12028 zecrom16095 8
#12029 garaoxa 8
#12030 RoXasThe13th 8
#12031 manrosben 8
#12032 kalli526 8
#12033 cookielol090 8
#12034 croakers 8
#12035 stararoura 8
#12036 silverwing12 8
#12037 Pardicolor 8
#12038 Mew 8
#12039 ntyebrasswheel 8
#12040 KittyKat12345 8
#12041 Testing456 8
#12042 miranda369 8
#12043 iBeymax 8
#12044 strangeangel99 8
#12045 FauxPas 8
#12046 LokiLaufeyson 8
#12047 vittyvitty823 8
#12048 redeemedchristian 8
#12049 Nipp8 8
#12050 QwertyAddict 8