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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12051 Slunicko82 8
#12052 wolfgang1 8
#12053 fuzzzz 8
#12054 Qwerty13456789 8
#12055 Binarie 8
#12056 blackblue 8
#12057 Candycane229 8
#12058 jayfeather10 8
#12060 Roses1 8
#12061 xxsempiternalxx 8
#12062 OllieDear 8
#12063 Jbent2336 8
#12064 HappyJoy 8
#12065 hayzel0220 8
#12066 kittyeatfish 8
#12067 JuliaLikesCarrots 8
#12068 WolfyWolf 8
#12069 milahn 8
#12070 Velociraptor 8
#12071 EragonSafera 8
#12072 mudgy101 8
#12073 browniebutt 8
#12074 Reddd 8
#12075 Jardsy 8