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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12201 demure 8
#12202 sharpjack 8
#12203 zydeci 8
#12204 nalana 8
#12205 MissFortune19 8
#12206 Vanillax 8
#12207 aandd2me1999 8
#12208 XxNightWishxX 8
#12209 Night0wlz 8
#12210 smoothj 8
#12211 Baumkuchen 8
#12212 shadowenmasgirl 8
#12213 emc2spaam 8
#12214 umattison 8
#12215 AndreFabro 8
#12216 CarbonatedGremlin 8
#12217 MickeyTikk2012 8
#12218 BlueComet5 8
#12219 aberkey909 8
#12220 chasser 8
#12221 wolvzrawsome 8
#12222 swimgirl222 8
#12223 xXSCREEPERXx 8
#12224 sierraskywilson 8
#12225 barkera23 8