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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12401 TheMagicDoor 8
#12402 AmayaQ 8
#12403 Angelola 8
#12404 CastielCoyote 8
#12405 GHumberto 8
#12406 pitbullpride19 8
#12407 jeffslilbit 8
#12408 DoomPuppyHolly 8
#12409 RandomLuck 8
#12410 OrangeCrusherYY 8
#12411 MusicalFlights 8
#12412 ShadowsOfDeath 8
#12413 Sithis 8
#12414 Jacky92 8
#12415 Church 8
#12416 Aghase 8
#12417 spacemountain 8
#12418 Exspresso 8
#12419 gracem37898 8
#12420 kkaebsong 8
#12421 PaorQueen 8
#12422 Gothel 8
#12423 WolfeCorvinus 8
#12424 Yazzibabes 8
#12425 Vantix619 8