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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12426 themastercookie 8
#12427 Hello90 8
#12428 MadameLeota 8
#12429 izahid21253 8
#12430 CreepyPastaHyena 8
#12431 Wolf4Storm 8
#12432 Susari 8
#12433 spacekidty 8
#12434 Ninjanina 8
#12435 sleepyflowerboy 8
#12436 giggledragon27 8
#12437 KFC 8
#12438 Ajfoopetslover 8
#12439 SophieM17 8
#12440 AshleyPayneTomlinson 8
#12441 Quade 8
#12442 Renicle 8
#12443 madpizzalover 8
#12444 xXAcidicAngelXx 8
#12445 Sourblizzard 8
#12446 LittleBitsOfHorrors 8
#12447 coryrenee 8
#12448 Tigerheart1011 8
#12449 Zombieon 8
#12450 wolfgirl1212 8