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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12476 Pear 8
#12477 eastella 8
#12478 rosallind 8
#12479 kittenpatissier 8
#12480 CrocodileKing 8
#12481 TheShinyMegaRayquaza 8
#12482 Kadyann17 8
#12483 bubblegumtree 8
#12484 BrokenSunset 8
#12485 Voidling 8
#12486 Willczek 8
#12487 jazzyyazi3 8
#12488 Snowylove01 8
#12489 DarkAbyss 8
#12490 lace44cake 8
#12491 merkin 8
#12492 Zjordy 8
#12493 Cairan 8
#12494 Oozemancer 8
#12495 Yvon 8
#12496 Murasaki01 8
#12497 raptortamer1234 8
#12498 Flutters 8
#12499 FrozenWing 8
#12500 gohorsego 8