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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#12526 voidvooli 8
#12527 Silverstorm38 8
#12528 zuzelew 8
#12529 PebbleGust 8
#12530 Buffin 8
#12531 AnxietyWolf 8
#12532 Kai1434 8
#12533 Whydragoon 8
#12534 linkthefink 8
#12535 fox2018 8
#12536 Skootle 8
#12537 Serva_Au_Andromedus 8
#12538 AshlinLilanKorus 8
#12539 Mariexe 8
#12540 IreneTheBean03 8
#12541 Vivi_rowen19 8
#12542 serebronaga 8
#12543 Kiorea 8
#12544 blooperdoopers 8
#12545 Shadora 8
#12546 Alwryn 8
#12547 Kaytiewhip 8
#12548 Wolfiefrost 8
#12549 angelicwoof 8
#12550 Callie17 8