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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#1351 TesuriXD 111
#1352 voyboy 111
#1353 ramulus 111
#1354 Nanaichi 111
#1355 pmc 111
#1356 Eclipticca 111
#1357 Rostanga 111
#1358 Mozzy 111
#1359 Kenzedie 110
#1360 michelle33 110
#1361 Gingler 110
#1362 Rauhiss 110
#1363 halfdemonzahara 110
#1364 stellarwing 110
#1365 Inxi 110
#1366 Procyon 110
#1367 Omni 110
#1368 millemus 110
#1369 emilylavery 110
#1370 ArticFoxLove 110
#1371 Wolf12 110
#1372 jdy116 110
#1373 GhostlyGemini 110
#1374 Roosiket 110
#1375 sarahcat777 110