Below are the top collectors for the creatu species of Ahea. This list only includes unique creatu by species and color.
Rank User Unique Pets
#1351 nononolick 4
#1352 Delphiniumxoxo 4
#1353 Leedee99 4
#1354 springmaple 4
#1355 Bubas 4
#1356 Neurotic 4
#1357 pmc 4
#1358 kally1998 4
#1359 AheaGondraHaven 4
#1360 Angelo 4
#1361 tlrose 4
#1362 auditoreto 4
#1363 Ravenclaw14 4
#1364 demimals 4
#1365 Zappdohs 4
#1366 Evolett 4
#1367 LoveyDoveyPrincess 4
#1368 MoonBunny 4
#1369 Athexreh 4
#1370 LadyNightfyre 4
#1371 ela344 4
#1372 thaliaflame98 4
#1373 Batsong 4
#1374 madmaryholiday 4
#1375 kaytreanna 4