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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#1376 Aerie 109
#1377 Korch11 109
#1378 oceanpearl123 109
#1379 Dawnshadow 109
#1380 Berry1258 109
#1381 sakuralove777 109
#1382 Mustache 109
#1383 petfriend02 109
#1384 Glitchy 109
#1385 raivyn19821 109
#1386 dRex_exe 109
#1387 thursdaydarling 108
#1388 fizzyizze 108
#1389 claoufaeng 108
#1390 Pastel 108
#1391 pandameg199630 108
#1392 charizard 108
#1393 maddy86 108
#1394 Simplistical 108
#1395 Feyth 108
#1396 slheaberlin 108
#1397 Epicsaus3 108
#1398 CrystalMeow 108
#1399 isabellas 108
#1400 Ruxxe 108