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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#14551 hyidrus 6
#14552 Miasanta 6
#14553 amberzartz 6
#14554 Shyfoxie 6
#14555 SecretlyAFox 6
#14556 coatl 6
#14557 Mistmagic22 6
#14558 rainbowire 6
#14559 kiwilimeluna 6
#14560 BookWyrm 6
#14561 Kikuyu 6
#14562 FantaCee 6
#14563 mrspeedster 6
#14564 precious 5
#14565 malnormalish 5
#14566 wolflover118 5
#14567 Risuko 5
#14568 Revvi 5
#14569 GeekGal 5
#14570 Roulette 5
#14571 IgnitedFrostbite 5
#14572 NatiRyuuza 5
#14573 Yoda 5
#14574 luvpup 5
#14575 SummerSnow 5