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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#14651 autunmsparkle1 5
#14652 eli3000badcat 5
#14653 BurritoExtortion 5
#14654 strawberryicecream 5
#14655 AngelofDarkness1282 5
#14656 laurendoodler 5
#14657 darkfoxag 5
#14658 Laisha 5
#14659 EpizKage 5
#14660 Andres7 5
#14661 1sinaman2 5
#14662 Tron 5
#14663 xKitteh 5
#14664 Eranesi 5
#14665 Madison15711 5
#14666 Erised 5
#14667 terminallyGammy 5
#14668 PePsIcOlA02 5
#14669 crystal0406 5
#14670 cchimp123 5
#14671 Kiko11 5
#14672 InsaneAJxD 5
#14673 millienicolexo 5
#14674 bulltrbff 5
#14675 snugglysapphire 5