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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15001 Sylvernix 5
#15002 IceAlchemist 5
#15003 Kiwijade 5
#15004 katrina12331 5
#15005 Hici02 5
#15006 Mangle 5
#15007 Diana77 5
#15008 Tristessa16 5
#15009 Afonso81 5
#15010 Shurikanz 5
#15011 z0mbi317 5
#15012 alex3313 5
#15013 Ephraim 5
#15014 KuroKiba 5
#15015 disneydirection 5
#15016 tinks01091997 5
#15017 TacoCat14 5
#15018 Axlotlfreak 5
#15019 bunny4646 5
#15020 shyanne0102 5
#15021 rosefrost111 5
#15022 Bleach92603 5
#15023 viceprincipalpanch 5
#15024 Chaor 5
#15025 apple32 5