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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15101 pixie7067 5
#15102 ChemistryCat 5
#15103 Kiramallow 5
#15104 Kellholidayy 5
#15105 Mage4801 5
#15106 Akaia 5
#15107 EverGreen19 5
#15108 fiasha 5
#15109 Elis96397 5
#15110 Byn 5
#15111 SaviorAz 5
#15112 Humanfire 5
#15113 ASliceOFLemoN 5
#15114 MeowImmaKitty 5
#15115 Aphrodite555 5
#15116 Sarie 5
#15117 lucent 5
#15118 Reckon42 5
#15119 kittyfangs 5
#15120 Cutlery55 5
#15121 drunkondance 5
#15122 brittishguy17 5
#15123 echoriverodair 5
#15124 SunshineNelle 5
#15125 Skaterboy13 5