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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15176 codemonkeyz1 5
#15177 SquidyTheSecond 5
#15178 nometop 5
#15179 SophieAlice24 5
#15180 KidsTheseDaysAC 5
#15181 SkylordCreepy 5
#15182 catrick316 5
#15183 DarkFrost978 5
#15184 FluffyWarlock 5
#15185 chaotixmaster 5
#15186 Micwoo1854 5
#15187 Olivine 5
#15188 DaydreamDarkness 5
#15189 Jem112 5
#15190 lucariomaster 5
#15191 CrypticDeer 5
#15192 porsef 5
#15193 nellm 5
#15194 Lorrany 5
#15195 carlyaumiller 5
#15196 Justhowmanywaffles 5
#15197 lucas1 5
#15198 Rednight17 5
#15199 EmeraldDaffodils 5
#15200 marysteph 5