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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15401 lucasmc 5
#15402 jemmyjay 5
#15403 MysteryGal97 5
#15404 finnyfae 5
#15405 Neonbluelions 5
#15406 ghostyTrickster 5
#15407 LadySirenia 5
#15408 kittykats17 5
#15409 purpledragons 5
#15410 SupremePancakeSlayer 5
#15411 tatalol234 5
#15412 coolkitten17 5
#15413 Zekiyah 5
#15414 addiekitty 5
#15415 palomo 5
#15416 Kezzabear 5
#15417 swazzledazzle 5
#15418 NeonBlue 5
#15419 Skyefall 5
#15420 curiousfire 5
#15421 PaorSpines 5
#15422 ChaoticDormouse 5
#15423 molly78074 5
#15424 AryaBerkly 5
#15425 Inheritance 5