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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#1526 DragonReincarnation 100
#1527 mammothsweetpea 100
#1528 StrudelNoodle 100
#1529 MonsterBug 100
#1530 kiiona 100
#1531 DoOrDie 100
#1532 moonspirit1223 100
#1533 BuddyAmazing 100
#1534 Neraven 100
#1535 Steeler 100
#1536 py1000 100
#1537 fiendishlydroll 100
#1538 greenunicorn278 100
#1539 Kitteness 99
#1540 Jiho 99
#1541 SalkiNeoDucky 99
#1542 Kazinto 99
#1543 redoutlaw 99
#1544 EaseroLover 99
#1545 SugarRush 99
#1546 Headset 99
#1547 surelia 99
#1548 Kalatamora 99
#1549 damagedxroses130 99
#1550 Horrificus 99