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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15601 meowpril 5
#15602 Quartz1820 5
#15603 semaJ99 5
#15604 UberUmbreon5SOS 5
#15605 Splixxonator 5
#15606 Mels4321 5
#15607 VickiiL 5
#15608 Redp49 5
#15609 MysticClash12 5
#15610 OctaviaWings 5
#15611 StephJasmine 5
#15612 Kylynn 5
#15614 otachiee 5
#15615 xXMoondancerXx 5
#15616 EaseroQueen 5
#15617 Graffer091924 5
#15618 Uryuu 5
#15619 dogsinspace 5
#15620 Basilisk 5
#15621 fantacybros 5
#15622 Ember9266 5
#15623 joelleesme 5
#15624 benjaminie 5
#15625 meely 5