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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15701 Hotel 5
#15702 lilahtiger 5
#15703 catgirl72594 5
#15704 Victroan 5
#15705 nikedinox 5
#15706 Spiked 5
#15707 GinaTsukiko 5
#15708 DragQueenie 5
#15709 Wolfie55 5
#15710 meganmarie3344 5
#15711 Axolotl 5
#15712 corxus 5
#15713 Batilda 5
#15714 Luciell 5
#15715 jules2800 5
#15716 EyelessTenshi 5
#15717 Chocolattte 5
#15718 Egoalien 5
#15719 Myawolf8 5
#15720 keithkoge 5
#15721 Firefly720 5
#15722 IreneIsDaQueen 5
#15723 wolfyneo 5
#15724 dukim919 5
#15725 SweetFox 5