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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15726 SpriteQueen 5
#15727 PeculiarRabbit 5
#15728 LondoeBlack 5
#15729 3ndzeldo 5
#15730 Luneers 5
#15731 LunaMoon1508 5
#15732 vyleir 5
#15733 unknown456 5
#15734 AelaSeras 5
#15735 FightOrFlight 5
#15736 Cinnamunk 5
#15737 SweetstarWC 5
#15738 Koranten 5
#15739 Robae 5
#15740 WaterWolf600 5
#15741 Woug 5
#15742 DrakinMoon 5
#15743 k1tt3v 5
#15744 sonicsgf420 5
#15745 Jansje 5
#15746 Zypiris 5
#15747 Billyboo 5
#15748 stormunicorn 5
#15749 PumpkinChair 5
#15750 perfectstarfish3700 5