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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15851 Anlambe4 5
#15852 Wcwadam 5
#15853 garummon 5
#15854 Gibbler 5
#15855 TheDaysEye 5
#15856 harleyyy 5
#15857 cgauthie 5
#15858 flightlessjade 5
#15859 v400chan 5
#15860 WeepingLiberty 5
#15861 Moonstar03 5
#15862 aquatheaquaria 5
#15863 yamb 5
#15864 elxstewyy 5
#15865 IGM 5
#15866 stovetop 5
#15867 cherrywings 5
#15868 rudletoodle 5
#15869 Yggdrasil-Incar 5
#15870 PatientZer0 5
#15871 Captinpink 5
#15872 618bluebird 5
#15873 PorcelainRose 5
#15874 brahmoment 5
#15875 osuri 5