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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#15876 KayaWolfnight 5
#15877 MisterFlamingo 5
#15878 captainfalcon 5
#15879 HappyBirdy67 5
#15880 SilverWhispWolf 5
#15881 JeremyTheGremlin 5
#15882 Celibria 5
#15883 Zalphone 5
#15884 Jblood7012 5
#15885 BlazzingJay 5
#15886 Shaelyn 5
#15887 Idioticdemonchild 5
#15888 MissWoof 5
#15889 AlphaAdriel 5
#15890 LadyMargo 5
#15891 Seastar551 5
#15892 ZebraKirin 5
#15893 starchaser 5
#15894 DraconicanKing25 5
#15895 Nonbinaryrat 5
#15896 Michaelbeanz 5
#15897 Raciny 5
#15898 roobolt 5
#15899 Kristi020050 5
#15900 Disconnect 5