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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16001 vidi 4
#16002 Lottii 4
#16003 Alex9andra12 4
#16004 mousiemoo20 4
#16005 SpunkiSpirou 4
#16006 BAMBIX 4
#16007 chidchi 4
#16008 Unreality 4
#16009 Yosheh 4
#16010 Karssia 4
#16011 Bachuru 4
#16012 flashy31squishy59 4
#16013 Arrii 4
#16014 Wink 4
#16015 BlindLover183 4
#16016 andrus20927 4
#16017 sean811l 4
#16018 Deylana 4
#16019 Flylished 4
#16020 SierraLovesYew 4
#16021 PrinceOfDarkness1 4
#16022 raa 4
#16023 lobagorda 4
#16024 eternitybird 4
#16025 PandaRage217 4