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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16126 Pangurban 4
#16127 AlphaPhantom 4
#16128 littlexspies 4
#16129 Xedite 4
#16130 Rtcntx 4
#16131 Voidfur 4
#16132 Erith 4
#16133 ChibiOrange7 4
#16134 Kazux 4
#16135 animalloverz123 4
#16136 Jedileaf 4
#16137 NowandThen 4
#16138 JadeLovesCookies 4
#16139 Heathus 4
#16140 Larkthatsingsatdawn 4
#16141 Sylyx 4
#16142 LawlNinja 4
#16143 armygulfwar 4
#16144 Rachiiee 4
#16145 Vaith 4
#16146 Darkforestwarrior 4
#16147 iloveutwo 4
#16148 MidnightRose120 4
#16149 jball 4
#16150 GamerFreak 4