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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16151 Kinnareth 4
#16152 Cinnamon97 4
#16153 BeastsOfTheRiver 4
#16154 Ignorer 4
#16155 SakuHanaka 4
#16156 Kasai_Flamma 4
#16157 DrEaMxxEaTER 4
#16158 werequoise 4
#16159 signedrapunzel 4
#16160 rexzero 4
#16161 Cupcake016 4
#16162 ApexMoon 4
#16163 ShifteroftheNight 4
#16164 soliatquati1 4
#16165 HellDeer 4
#16166 jegua 4
#16167 FlameJane 4
#16168 awyee 4
#16169 Parabellum 4
#16170 pinksqueck12 4
#16171 Mezmerize 4
#16172 MarshallDFaythe1 4
#16173 emily907 4
#16174 aaronrls01 4
#16175 angelbird 4