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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16276 Destiel4life 4
#16277 leothelovelylion 4
#16278 torralva 4
#16279 BlanketParty 4
#16280 cancan 4
#16281 ilovehorses1001 4
#16282 MusingLordDeath 4
#16283 wildflower2019 4
#16284 koalaboo 4
#16285 babemuffin 4
#16286 puppigirlz 4
#16287 caligulasAquarium 4
#16288 Shadow124 4
#16289 jdrox 4
#16290 Riyfina 4
#16291 Mizea 4
#16292 Woofwof 4
#16293 firelad 4
#16294 Chiseled 4
#16295 fuzespecail 4
#16296 KennysGirl 4
#16297 agenerals 4
#16298 nononsense 4
#16299 catterpillara 4
#16300 wtfitsabagel 4