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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16426 elleisbatman 4
#16427 laray68 4
#16428 tp989898 4
#16429 miciaredda 4
#16430 RealmOfHearts 4
#16431 Amarah 4
#16432 catvalentine 4
#16433 sifter 4
#16434 deneris 4
#16435 UlkiGonbia 4
#16436 Korrina 4
#16437 airoh 4
#16438 dragtail 4
#16439 PersephoneGrove 4
#16440 hlpokey10 4
#16441 DerpyHooves 4
#16442 Akatchi 4
#16443 toddynhovencido 4
#16444 Lexpionage 4
#16445 Mnemosyne 4
#16446 yodaveth 4
#16447 RebeccaBacon 4
#16448 Divided 4
#16449 XVegetsX 4
#16450 SilverKat 4