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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16626 xXTostitosQuesoXx 4
#16627 caystyles 4
#16628 Himchan 4
#16629 DerpGaming 4
#16630 mady_bear 4
#16631 iffy0813 4
#16632 RabidRainbows 4
#16633 maiko2545 4
#16634 wolfyhearty 4
#16635 creatulover485 4
#16636 Magocracy 4
#16637 BrieDarose 4
#16638 Alisaofmidnight123 4
#16639 rileelouise12 4
#16640 Cutiepie1232 4
#16641 hello54 4
#16642 Entropy 4
#16643 Vergil 4
#16644 IvikGirl 4
#16645 IcyWolf97 4
#16646 Spirit12 4
#16647 RandomRebel 4
#16648 naruto01827 4
#16649 Sassi52 4
#16650 Darkness666 4