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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16751 ketzel11 4
#16752 morgan04chase04 4
#16753 eppleptar 4
#16754 Valeryssa 4
#16755 anna96873 4
#16756 PunkPredator 4
#16757 MagicianKing 4
#16758 AzzyBlue 4
#16759 mekyabetsu 4
#16760 Chuzayo 4
#16761 Arisugawa 4
#16762 PumpkinPasty2 4
#16763 Webby30052 4
#16764 SebasuchanMichaelis 4
#16765 emiliejv 4
#16766 coltmiller20 4
#16767 nickdamazing 4
#16768 JRose 4
#16769 Demyx9Myde 4
#16770 dominika061 4
#16771 Sicker 4
#16772 taytee 4
#16773 BreezyDawn 4
#16774 simonella 4
#16775 Dartmouth 4