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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16776 Horseluver01 4
#16777 Aaronjoe100 4
#16778 ohdeer 4
#16779 oya 4
#16780 Duckshake 4
#16781 rodneyru 4
#16782 cuteclaws11204 4
#16783 Swim08 4
#16784 OrayaSunshine 4
#16785 drich349 4
#16786 crazygirl550 4
#16787 Evengaline 4
#16788 Xeka 4
#16789 FeeMonsterrBaby 4
#16790 Catcombat 4
#16791 charliemarlie 4
#16792 rimma 4
#16793 Tonton 4
#16794 Jaena 4
#16795 Lannister 4
#16796 Screewolf 4
#16797 Ekee 4
#16798 Carldecamp2 4
#16799 yuki777 4
#16800 sumanthgreat 4