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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16826 RoyalCreature 4
#16827 Tollero 4
#16828 TheGreatDoge 4
#16829 HallowEcho 4
#16830 Wildcat727 4
#16831 cursivewerewolf 4
#16832 FrigidMichael 4
#16833 martianm 4
#16834 PeasInAPoddington 4
#16835 Tropicals 4
#16836 LadyFayte 4
#16837 MunchinRainbowz 4
#16838 Kleitos 4
#16839 lelegatinha 4
#16840 fernandaborges22 4
#16841 Arkkenxi 4
#16842 boypink2010 4
#16844 BFurr 4
#16845 Mitamura 4
#16846 myheartisash 4
#16847 reptilliandreams 4
#16848 Fishowl 4
#16849 GreatJ 4
#16850 zunipeggybow 4