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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16851 FinalFantasyGurl 4
#16852 Chronixxx 4
#16853 Mallow 4
#16854 fideo123 4
#16855 toridw03 4
#16856 Leopardi 4
#16857 mell750 4
#16858 Essynkardi 4
#16859 candylane67 4
#16860 Superstition 4
#16861 reshiram1119 4
#16862 parasti 4
#16863 GroupieLuvv 4
#16864 EriSolForever 4
#16865 Arkeris 4
#16866 vsavill 4
#16867 pandoraa 4
#16868 schizm 4
#16869 ilikespinach123 4
#16870 tyrellisme14 4
#16871 Yukionago 4
#16872 lilmadsal 4
#16873 caylinjo10 4
#16874 Blackbird115 4
#16875 PurityShard 4