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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#16951 partypoisoning 4
#16952 Fairatific 4
#16953 Tamasu 4
#16954 DummyLummy 4
#16955 kaniya 4
#16956 BrightFaun 4
#16957 Amily 4
#16958 SorceressRaven 4
#16959 pickles7113 4
#16960 Cynosure 4
#16961 celestalis 4
#16962 Meepsters 4
#16963 Yeul 4
#16964 Viscera 4
#16965 Pluviophilia 4
#16966 ShadowCast3r 4
#16967 Leithammel 4
#16968 haloX156 4
#16969 HiHi1990 4
#16970 WunderWoman 4
#16971 stella33213 4
#16972 Inami 4
#16973 littlebigmountian 4
#16974 ebhorse1 4
#16975 Charliebravo 4