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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#17076 Bumcikas 4
#17077 Sera2343 4
#17078 DarkFireDragoness 4
#17079 StarrySteph 4
#17080 eheju 4
#17081 LadyThistle 4
#17082 Sylestia 4
#17084 Sethpebbs 4
#17085 xojuni 4
#17086 Ayumu 4
#17087 sydneysayshi 4
#17088 Morai 4
#17089 Rainwater666 4
#17090 iscr3amsandwich 4
#17091 DIN0MITE 4
#17092 Nymphian147 4
#17093 CanYouStahp 4
#17094 Kagame 4
#17095 PumpKingKaos 4
#17096 Dragongirl391 4
#17097 munchkin321 4
#17098 runthefox 4
#17099 BlueWho80 4
#17100 XlovelybonesX 4