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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#17151 Anastasia12 4
#17152 Runedragon4 4
#17153 Royalinferno 4
#17154 lexxieeejomaxxine 4
#17155 Arra 4
#17156 frankkkk 4
#17157 Ehppy 4
#17158 JorgeLlamazares 4
#17159 Amb5496 4
#17160 HarlequinFool 4
#17161 AwesomeKitty 4
#17162 PikaWillow122 4
#17163 Eevee123 4
#17164 MustangX 4
#17165 EmonDeLucifian 4
#17166 KatCrazyUnicorns 4
#17167 byb9699 4
#17168 Shinigami7777 4
#17169 ManateeMoon 4
#17170 ABrandon 4
#17171 ChaosCheesecake 4
#17172 rozlinn 4
#17173 Cassius 4
#17174 Nahiri 4
#17175 greyedcool 4